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jaZZ i okolice / jaZZ & beyond - Festiwal Muzyki Improwizowanej / Improvised Music Festival - Możdżer / Danielsson / Fresco
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Możdżer / Danielsson / Fresco

01 December 2013 godz. 19:00 | Instytucja Kultury Katowice - Miasto Ogrodów, Plac Sejmu Śląskiego 2, 40-032 Katowice

Leszek Możdżer – piano
Lars Danielsson – bass
Zohar Fresco – percusions

Tickets: 60 i 80 zł

Możdżer is widely considered to be the greatest revelation of the Polish jazz of the last decade. Born in 1971, he has been playing the piano since the age of five. He has covered every stage of the formal education until graduating in 1996 from the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk. He became interested in jazz relatively late – in his last grade – when he was 18. He was introduced into jazz in the band of Emil Kowalski, a clarinet player, but his proper start took place at the first rehearsal with a band called Miłość (Love) back in 1991. One year later he received an individual award at the International Jazz Competition Jazz Juniors '92 held in Cracow. He was also a member of the Zbigniew Namysłowski Quartet. In the poll organized among Jazz Forum readers Możdżer was chosen as the Most Promising Musician of the year 1993 and 1994, and the Best Jazz Pianist – in each consecutive year since 1994. He was also awarded as the Musician of the Year 1995, 1996 and 2011.

Lars Danielsson - Swedish bassist, cellist, composer and arranger Lars Danielsson is renowned and admired throughout the International jazz world for his lyrical playing and strong groove.

Zohar Fresco was born in Israel to a Jewish family of Turkish origin. At a very early age he started playing percussion, absorbing the rich and diverse traditional music that surrounded him, especially from older musicians who came to Isreal from Asia and various countries in the Middle East. In time, Zohar developed his own personal and inimitable style on hand drums, Tof Mirima - frame drum, and became a well known and highly respected artist on the international percussion scene.




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